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Money and Marriage: 4 Tips for Financial Bliss for Married Couples

Written by: Ruth Esumeh

Financial issues have been reported to be one of the leading causes for recurring conflicts in many marriages or even leading to divorce. As a marriage counselor, I have worked with many couples whose marriages are at the verge of breaking down due to financial problems. However, your marriage does not have to fall apart because of finances if you have the right principles regarding managing money as a couple.

My husband and I were able to overcome money fights very early in our marriage. I mean we had our own share of financial problems in the early years and this was mostly related to the fact that we are from two different backgrounds; which is the case for most couples. 

This is why in handling finances in marriage, couples must work together. Often financial goals are an extension of money orientations and should be considered together. The partner who is oriented to saving and security is more apt to have financial goals around savings than the partner whose money orientation is centered around enjoyment. Create, discuss, and share financial goals together. Let’s look at 4 money management tips that will help you overcome financial problems in marriage

 4 Money Management Tips for Couples 

1. Create a Budget Together 

11 years ago, I was the wife who was not very comfortable with budgeting; we were in the early years of our marriage and I remember one day my husband said to me after I had gone shopping, he asked “What’s your budget?” I replied I don’t have a budget. I know what I want to buy. This was the beginning of us realizing that we had different approaches to managing finances. I did not think budgeting was necessary. I would argue that I knew what I was spending and I did not need to write it down or put a structure to it. My husband believed what you do not write or put a structure to, you can’t manage well. This difference in view led to a lot of arguments and conflicts about finances in our marriage

Eventually, he was able to convince me and I could see how budgeting made us more financially accountable and productive. Now, I am teaching couples the need to budget to reduce their financial stress and increase financial security

Budgeting is the process of allocating expenses on a regular basis. Budgeting puts you in control of your spending—a process that can be very empowering in a culture where we are constantly enticed to spend money. One good way to create a budget is to keep track of everything you spend money on for 1-3 months, and then average your expenditures per category. Budgeting is an essential tool for managing your finances and achieving your financial goals. By keeping track of your expenses and creating a budget, you can take control of your finances and make informed decisions about your money.

To make it more effective, write your budget down and store it in a safe place. Writing your budget gives you accountability and helps to maintain the spending limits you have agreed to set for yourselves. If you don’t write it down, you will be unlikely to stick to the budget you have both agreed to.

2. Maximize your Strengths 

The partner who is more financially intelligent should ideally be the one championing the finances. This is because they have strength in this area and would make better financial decisions. They should carry the other partner along in their decisions but should be allowed to take ownership. However, it’s also important to remember that both partners should be involved in the decision-making process. 

The partner who is more financially intelligent should carry the other partner along in their decisions and provide explanations where needed. This would help both partners understand the financial situation and work together towards achieving their financial goals.

I recommend that couples have financial meetings to discuss the state of their family finances, just like organizations have financial meetings. This meeting will help you re-evaluate your financial goals and help you make adjustments when needed. The spouse who is more financially intelligent will have the opportunity to also educate the other spouse while they make joint decisions regarding their finances.

3. Use Money to buy Assets, Not Expenses 

One of the most important financial lessons to learn is the difference between assets and expenses. A car is an expense. Real estate is an asset. Stock is an asset. A Gucci bag is an expense. If you want to achieve financial freedom, focus on investing in assets more than expenses. Of course, this doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself to something nice every once in a while, but it’s important to prioritize your financial goals and make smart decisions with your money. Let your money work for you, and you’ll be on your way to building wealth and achieving financial independence sooner than you think.

4. Give, Give and Give 

One of the most beautiful aspects of life is the joy of giving. The act of giving is rooted in the biblical principle of sowing and reaping, which states that the more you sow, the more you will reap. Giving generously not only blesses the recipient, but it also blesses the giver. Always remember to allocate a budget to give to the needy, give to the Lord, and give offerings. As we cultivate a habit of giving, we will begin to see the fruits of our labor. The more we give, the more we will receive in good measure. 

This does not mean that we should give with the expectation of receiving something in return, but rather, we should give out of a heart of generosity and compassion. When we give freely and generously, we will find that our lives are enriched in countless ways. So, let us always remember to give and give generously. Let us sow seeds of kindness, generosity, and love, and watch as they grow and flourish in our lives and the lives of those around us.

In conclusion, managing finances can be a challenging aspect of any marriage. However, by creating a budget, maximizing each other’s strengths, investing in assets, and cultivating a habit of giving, couples can work together toward achieving their financial goals. The key is to communicate openly and honestly about money matters and to be willing to make compromises and adjustments along the way. By doing so couples can reduce finacial stress and increase financial bliss in their marriage.

Have you read our latest blog on Marriage Goals and Couples Check-up Templates? Click here to read
Picture of Ruth Esumeh

Ruth Esumeh

Ruth Esumeh is the founder of Ruth’s Marriage, a marriage counseling and relationship coaching company. She is a Certified Marriage Counselor and Therapist helping couples enjoy marriage, God’s way! Follow Ruth on all social media platforms.

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One Response

  1. Finances very big issue especially when they involve extended family members, i know of someone who gives to help family members and would end up borrowing from his gf to pay rent or transport to work. What should this gf do?

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Confidentiality Policy

1. Introduction

At Ruth’s Marriage, we are committed to providing a safe and confidential environment for our clients. This confidentiality policy outlines how we handle your personal information and the limits to confidentiality that may apply during the course of marriage counseling sessions.

2. Confidentiality Assurance

2.1 Client-Counselor Privilege: All information shared during marriage counseling sessions is confidential. This means that your counselor will not disclose any information without your explicit written consent, except as required by law or ethical standards (see section 3).

2.3 Protection of Records: Client records, including session notes, assessments, and any other documentation, will be securely stored and only accessible to authorized personnel as outlined in section 4.

3. Limits to Confidentiality

3.1 Domestic Abuse or Physical Abuse: If there is reasonable report of
physical abuse, we are legally obligated to inform the victim to report this to the appropriate authorities.

3.2 Threats of Harm: If you pose a serious threat of harm to yourself or others, we may need to take steps to ensure safety, which may include disclosing relevant information to appropriate parties, such as law enforcement or medical professionals.

3.3 Court Orders: If a court orders the release of your counseling records, we may be required to comply with such an order.

3.4 Supervision and Consultation: Your counselor may consult with other mental health professionals for supervision and training purposes. In such cases, your identity will be kept confidential.

4. Access to Client Information

4.1 Authorized Personnel: Only authorized personnel, including your
counselor, and administrative staff, of Ruth’s Marriage will have access
to your information.

4.2 Security Measures: We take all reasonable measures to protect your
personal information, both in paper and electronic formats, from unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration.

5. Client Consent

Before any disclosure beyond the limits outlined in this policy is made, we will seek your explicit written consent, explaining the purpose and recipients of the information to be disclosed.

6. Record Retention

Client records will be retained for a period determined by applicable laws and ethical standards. After the retention period expires, records will be securely destroyed.

7. Questions and Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about our confidentiality policy, please feel free to discuss them with your counselor or write us at

8. Policy Updates

We may update this confidentiality policy from time to time to reflect changes in laws, regulations, or our counseling practices. You will be notified of any significant changes.

Cancellation Policy

$50 fee (converted to your currency rate at the point of payment)

The client is expected to arrive on time for each booked session. A cancelled or postponed appointment slows down our work and might have a negative influence on other clients. Because your appointments include the reserve of time expressly for you, and out of mutual respect for each other and our other clients, postponing or cancelling an appointment requires a minimum of 24 hours’ notice in advance.


This means if your appointment is supposed to be 9am on Wednesday and you wish to cancel, we expect to have received your email by 9am on Tuesday, then we can waive the cancellation fee. If we receive your cancellation later than that, then you will be charged the cancellation fee to have another appointment. Note that if your appointment is on a Monday, the cancellation needs to be provided no later than the prior Friday, by your appointment time, to be considered proper 24-hour notice.

If you can, we would appreciate more than 24-hour notice so that we can make that time available to other clients.

As a result, if you find out before the mandatory 24-hour notice that you will be unable to attend our session, please send an email so that we can fill your slot and place another client in your space who may require it. Counseling appointments are designated exclusively for our clients and are booked in advance. We are unable to cover this time slot by providing it to another client when a session is canceled without adequate notice. The email to send a cancellation notification to is


This cancellation policy is only waived in the event of a serious sickness or emergency. Car accidents, family deaths, and severe illness are all examples of emergencies. In this case, if you are not physically able to cancel your appointment, you can get someone to write us an email on your behalf. Our cancellation policy applies even if the missed appointment was unintended. Work-related issues are not emergencies.

Late Cancellation Fees Process: Any session missed due to a cancellation less than 24 hours in advance will be assessed at $50/standard fee. You will be charged even if the cancellation was due to work or if you rescheduled the appointment without adequate notice. We will send you a payment link immediately to pay the cancellation fee before you can have another appointment or continue your sessions.


Your wait time is kept to a minimum. Due to the length of time provided for each appointment, it is critical that you arrive on time for your appointments. If you are more than 10 minutes late to your appointment, we will have no choice but to reschedule your appointment and you will be responsible for the $50 fee of a no show. To avoid paying no show fees, we require at least twenty-four (24) hours’ notice for all cancellations (as described above). Both counselor and client have a grace period of 10 minutes.


For recurring therapy/counselling sessions, when you miss a session without adequate notice, you will pay the cancellation fee of $50 for that session, before another session. The same standard above applies for each session.

Ruth’s Marriage Counselling Services sends automated email reminders of forthcoming appointments as a courtesy. Whether or not you receive the text or email reminder, it is your sole duty to keep track of and attend any planned appointments/sessions on time. If your phone number or email address changes, please notify us via email.

We appreciate your understanding and our policy is hinged on the fact that a late cancel or no-show hurts at least three people: you, the counsellor, and another client who could have potentially utilized your time slot


We value you and are committed to your journey, however, we can only accomplish this with your understanding of the obligations set forth in this policy. Time is of the essence in our practice and we encourage good use of time to accommodate more clients who need help. Thank you

Making a booking means you have accepted the terms guiding our Cancellation Policy.

I agree to the Confidentiality Policy and Cancellation Policy.