5 Marriage Truths You Must Know to Have a Great Marriage
Marriage – a union that brings so much joy and fulfillment, but also comes with its fair share of challenges. Many people have this illusion of a perfect partner/marriage, there’s no such thing. However, I believe most marriages can thrive with the right mindset, actions, and knowledge. The truth is if everyone knew what exactly […]
5 Exciting Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship and Enjoy This Christmas Season
Aside from the festivities that come with the season, the holidays create this unique energy that just screams “Time to spend time with family.” However, it is easy to forget this and focus on getting caught up in the demands of the season that we almost forget what matters the most – family. Strengthening your […]
How to Prevent Your Marriage From a Negative Dynamic
Every marriage has a dynamic – it could be positive or negative depending on the health of your relationship with your spouse. However, it is easy for your marriage to experience a shift when you do not take note of certain subtle signs. These signs may seem subtle on the surface but when left unresolved […]
How Disconnection Happens in a Marriage
In my years of helping marriages grow positively, I see that many couples don’t even realize that they have been unconsciously disconnected from each other. Disconnection in any marriage doesn’t just happen overnight. It is a gradual process that doesn’t get noticed at first until a final straw breaks the camel’s back and it is […]
5 Key Choices to Pay Attention to If You Want to Have A Great Marriage
A great marriage is built over time and it’s an accumulation of your choices and these little things that you must pay attention to every day. It is easy to get complacent and miss these crucial elements of a great marriage. Every day presents you with an opportunity to either strengthen your relationship or allow […]
Marriage is Hardwork, but also Rewarding: 3 Ways to Put in the Work in Your Marriage
“Coach, marriage is hard. I mean really hard.” I get these types of messages daily and I smile because it seems every married person seems to have relatable experiences. And that’s the beauty about experiences – You learn from one. Building a great marriage is hardwork because it requires intentional efforts every day. You have […]
Three Things I Learnt in Marriage and You Should Know Too
I have worked with so many couples and one thing I realized is that most couples want to have a great marriage but almost don’t know what it takes to have one. Personally, I believe marriage is meant to be enjoyed and not endured. My marriage is a testament to that statement. However, we did […]
5 Signs of Unhealthy Conflicts in Your Relationship or Marriage
What if I told you that conflicts are good for your marriage? “Wow, Coach, how can you say that?” Healthy conflicts are necessary for any relationship. They increase trust, foster understanding and make connections between partners even stronger. Unhealthy conflicts, on the other hand, lead to built-up resentment, reduce trust, increase anxiety and can damage […]
5 Ways to Have More Fun in Your Marriage
Over the years, I have realized that when it comes to talking about having fun in marriages, most couples picture these expensive actions that require time, money and sacrifices. While this may work, if the foundation of your marriage is not built on a personal relationship with your partner, then you are just patching walls […]
Lessons From Our 12 Years Marriage
For the longest, people have always asked me, “Coach, how did you do it? How did you make your marriage work?” While I have tried to answer on the spot, I have decided to compile a few lessons from my marriage we can all learn from. These are practical experiences that have worked for me–and […]